Local Pickup
If you selected 'Local Pick Up' as your shipping option during checkout, please wait for a confirmation e-mail that your order is ready to collect.
Orders that are ready can be picked up at:
332 Gosling Gardens,
Guelph, ON, N1L 0P8
Monday - Friday: 9am-9pm
Please have your order number and ID ready.
332 Gosling Gardens,
Guelph, ON, N1L 0P8
Monday - Friday: 9am-9pm
Please have your order number and ID ready.
If you have arrived at the building during your scheduled pickup time, and you have not received a response from us - you can buzz '1005' at the doors to send a notification you have arrived.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this order, please contact the store directly by email (sales@cashmear.ca) or phone (226) 821-1998.