Epipremnum Pinnatum vs Epipremnum Aureum
This image shows most of the common Epipremnum Aureum/Pothos species, and can be identified from their rounded leaf shapes.
Epipremnum 'Aureum' (Pothos)

This image shows most of the common Epipremnum Pinnatum species, and can be identified from their pointed, pinnate leaf shapes (holes & fenestrated sections) as they mature.
[Juvenile leaf (left) - Mature Leaf (right)]
Epipremnum "Pinnatum"

Epipremnum Aureum
The botanical name 'Epipremnum Aureum' (commonly known as Pothos) have been controversial throughout its history. The "name problems" for this species are a result of earlier botanists being unsure of its proper genus placement, but also as a result of the species rarely being seen in flower. The inflorescence of an aroid species is very important to the final determination of the correct species and genus due to differences in the tiny reproductive parts of the spadix.
Juvenile plants are not reliable to determine a species since they possess the ability to morph and change shape as they grow as can be seen on this page. Those changes in form are known as the natural ontogeny of any living being.
Epipremnum Pinnatum
The “pin holes/fenestrations" in the leaf lamina which is a common characteristic of E. Pinnatum, are distinct features that develop as they age, and used to identify between the two species. On the other hand, E.Aureums do not "pinnate", and maintain their rounded leaf edges no matter the maturity of the leaf.
Another one of the distinctions between the two species include a distinctive netted sheath that is present in E. Pinnatum, but absent in E. Aureum.
Epipremnum aureum grows faster and is considerably more robust producing many climbing stems, while E. pinnatum is noticeably slower growing and contains a variety of leaf shapes and fenestration characteristics.