Substrate Guide


Cashmear's substrates are a carefully-blended mix of premium mineral and organic materials including New Zealand Pinus Radiata bark, coco husk, coco pith, expanded clay, coarse perlite, worm castings, Canadian sphagnum peat moss, activated horticultural charcoal, and beneficial bacteria and fungi including Mycorrhizae (Mycorrhizal fungal filaments in the soil are extensions of root systems and are more effective in nutrient and water absorption than the roots themselves) and Bacillus pumilus (bacteria that colonizes plant roots enhancing nutrient provision, control of disease-causing pathogens, and the promotion of pest-defense systems).
Primary Benefits;
- Helps prevent root rot
- Organic, mineral and pH balanced
- Strengthens root systems
- Builds plant immunity


Cashmear's substrate mix is designed to give your plants maximum aeration and drainage while providing a balanced mix of key nutrients and health-promoting additives your plant needs. With the risks of overwatering your plants being so high for many plant owners.
Available sizes;
Single Bag (3.8L, 1.5KG, 1 Gallon) 
Double Bag (7.6L, 3KG, 2 Gallon)
Triple Bag (11.4L, 4.5KG, 3 Gallon)
Extra Small Sample Size (0.5L, 160g)


Like any living thing, Aroids will thrive in an environment that is similar to their native one. Aroids are primarily tropical/jungle plants, many vining and epiphytic.

They grow up tall trees to reach for sunlight, get nutrients from the canopy run-down, and get water from the rain or humidity in the air. Think lush rainforest. The top layer of rainforest soils are well-draining, airy, moist, and full of nutrients from composted organic matter.

Through years of trial and error we’ve settled on one recipe. Our Aroid soil recipe incorporates every aspect of mimicking the rainforest soil, and it shows in the plants we grow.





Coir: coir is added to help with water holding and aeration (soil drainage). – bonus: it is natural and eco-friendly!

Perlite: Perlite is added for drainage, it helps prevent soil from becoming too compacted, which can cause root rot. Root rot is BAD, perlite is good! – bonus: it is also natural!

Orchid Bark: Orchid Bark is an additive for aeration. Your plants need air, just like us humans! this additive is great not only for orchids but also other plants that prefer quick draining yet moisture retentive soil, such as aroids. Plus, having a chunkier soil mix will promote stronger roots, instead of super fine roots, that are similar to hair like strands.

Leca:  This is to help water to drain around the roots to aerate them. By leaving the pellets whole, you create tiny pockets of air. They also absorb water, so they can help retain moisture, without having your plant sitting in the water, which can cause root rot. *If you use leca/clay pebbles, you need to rinse thoroughly and soak them for at least 6 hours before using!

Charcoal: Charcoal helps improve aeration and draws out impurities from your soil.

Vermiculite: Vermiculite is used to help retain moisture. This is why I add it particularly to outdoor plants, even more in the plants that get direct sun! They tend to dry out SO fast. This helps keep a little more moisture in there!

Worm Castings: Worm Poop is a natural fertilizer aka plant food. The worms eat through compost, and when they poop it is the best soil enricher around! it also promotes aeration and can help to keep pesky pests away, such as aphids and spider mites!

Fertilizer: I also use fish fertilizer periodically, but i start a couple weeks after repotting. They get enough nutrients with the fresh soil mix, so they don’t need it right away, and even further down the road when it is not growing season. WARNING: this smells TERRIBLE, so only use as much as the directions say to!






Tools You’ll Need

  • Measuring Cup or any container to scoop up your ingredients.
  • Bin to mix and store your mix
  • Gardening Gloves (optional)

Ingredients (1-2-3-4)

  • 1 part Worm Castings
  • 2 parts Potting Mix
  • 3 parts Perlite
  • 4 parts Orchid Bark


  • Using your measuring cup, scoop up the appropriate amount for each ingredient and pour them into your bin. Try your best to scoop equal sized portions for the specified amount of parts. Example: scoop each ingredient to the brim of your measuring cup. With 1 scoop of worm castings, 2 scoops of potting mix, 3 scoops of perlite and 4 scoops of orchid bark, you will have 10 scoops total.
  • Once all ingredients are in the bin, mix it all up together evenly throughout. Some of the chunkier pieces tend to sit at the top.
  • Cover bin to ensure freshness and to retain moisture
  • Always give your soil a good shake or stir before using.







What Is The Best Soil For Hoya Plants?

Hoyas are versatile, popular house plants capable of growing in a variety of types of soil. Some grow their Hoyas with great success using a bagged African Violet soil. Others grow beautiful Hoya specimens in well-draining succulent soil, and some swear by their homemade organic potting soil mix.

Hoyas are epiphytic, much like an orchid cactus. Hoya roots need airflow to do well.


Whatever kind of soil you plant your Hoyas in, it should be well-draining, provide excellent aeration and not hold too much water. The soil should, after draining the water, stay slightly damp or moist but never soaking wet or bone dry. 

The soil should also supply the nutrients the plant needs to thrive. 


The simple Hoya potting soil mix I use is:

  • 2 parts peat moss
  • 1 part perlite

Some will recommend substituting sand for the perlite or mixing in sand. The problem with sand is that it fills in the open spaces reducing the airflow the roots need. Over time the soil becomes compacted. Compacted soil leads to root rot – avoid the sand.



The soil mix you use for your Hoya plants should:

  • Drain fast
  • Not stay wet and soggy
  • Light enough to not become compacted
  • Allow airflow to the roots

NOTE: Consider the humidity levels of the growing environment. In dry climates, the soil may need to hold more water. In humid areas, consider a more coarse soil to allow the soil to dry out faster.

NOTE: Peat moss can make the soil mix slightly acidic. Some growers suggest adding a calcium source like Dolomite lime to the soil to neutralize the acid. 
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